
10 warning signs of mold toxicity

10 warning signs of mold toxicity

10 warning signs of mold toxicity

Are you feeling unwell but can’t pinpoint the cause? Mold toxicity might be to blame. Learn the 10 warning signs of mold toxicity exposure and protect your health. Do you feel like you can not get well and trouble you with your health conditions that looks like they are not coming from anywhere?However, mold being one of the most neglected variables, can trigger various hazardous symptoms despite the existence of many factors causing sickness.

Moulds constitute a particular type of fungus that is usually found in damp and not well ventilated places, for instance, washrooms, basements, and water damaged areas. Inhaling mold can cause ill effects like general irritation and severe asthma and brain complications, all the way to the fatal herpes virus. In this article, we will discuss the 10 warning signs of mold toxicity.  We will see they look like and what you must do to avoid these consequences.

  1. Persistent Coughing

The other one is a mold upper respiratory tract infection, which is expressed in the form of persistent coughing. The best way to find out is to look at the symptoms you have.  For example if you usually cough and this symptom worsen when you are indoors or in specific spot of your home or office, mold could likely be the cause. The exposure to mold can include shortness of breath, recurrent coughing fits that can be chronic when untreated.

  1. Frequent Headaches

So, do you get constant headaches which are not connected to something serious even after taking different medicines?Mold sensitivity can lead to certain individuals who may be prone to headaches and migraines. Emphasized on these word and phrases: accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.

  1. Fatigue

Are you often fatigued even after meeting the required rest hours? Physical stress, such as mold, may lead to lower energy levels. A mold exposure tends to result in decreased energy and apathy, like being unable to carry out tasks and activities on a daily basis. If you find constant feeling losing strength even after you rest, there is the need to consider sensitivity to mold exposure in your environment.

  1. Sinus Congestion

Mold spores to be highly allergic are frequently cause nasal irritations and swelling of mucosa. For example if you are regularly experiencing stuffed nose, sinus congestion and difficulty in breathing through the nose, molds are possibly the main responsible factor for such conditions. Due to mold, sinus complaints related to mould may become more serious and will develop into chronic sinus infection if left untreated.

  1. Skin Irritation

The toxic action of fungi may as well manifest as irritation of skin and development of allergies. The reappearance of redness, itching, rashes or hives on skin, belly, nose or eyes, in particular, following a time of being in the area full of damp or mold, could be a sign of toxicity developed due to mold. Like for people with mold exposure, the symptoms of skin problem might be different from each other and if these symptoms won’t disappear, you need to see a doctor.

  1. Watery Eyes

Molds are usually found hidden in dark, little used places.  Here, their spores grow into mold, inflaming the eyes, causing redness, itching, discomfort as well as the release of excess tears. In case your eyes get watery, or whichever eye (mucus) problems whatsoever, particularly indoors and in places having visible mildew, you must not ignore the possibility of being exposed to mold toxicity. Respiratory diseases associated with mold may not only lead to the loss of quality of life but can also require treatment with drugs to relieve the signs of the illness.

  1. Memory Problems

Are you quite often struggling with mind wander or remembering things or just keep forgetting what exactly you were going to do or think?Mold toxicity is also possible and this may cause cognitive failure, including memory problems, attention deficits and mind performance. If you will observe that you are failing with cognitive tasks or you are noticing a ramp in your memory, you should consider to get checked by a specialist to rule out possible adverse effects of mold exposure on your symptoms.

  1. Muscle Weakness

Muscle function can also be affected by mold toxicity, as it often triggers symptoms such as muscular weakness, aching sensations and fatigue. If you feel you have no rational explanation for muscular weakness or uneasiness that you have been through in tenanting a moldy place, this may be a sign of mold toxicity. Chronic conditions befall that include pain and weakness of muscle tissue may worsen with increasing exposure to mold.  The condition can be increasingly hampering in many aspects such as movement and overall wellness.

  1. Mood Swings

Not only that mold can get into one’s various system but it becomes toxic to one’s mood and mental well-being as well. In the case your feel on emotional fluctuations, dryness, anxiety or depression addem to other signs that is related to mold exposure in your surrounding, you have to keep in mind the chances for mold in your environment. Noticing depression linked with mold spores may affect the whole quality of life you have got and need specialized help to deal with the problem.

  1. Nausea and Bowel Problems

The digestive system is another part of the body that can be damaged by mold toxicity.  It manifests itself as a nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. If you are the person often have digestive problems and in a case when you have to take foods or water with molds in it, then you may suffer from mold toxicity. Digestive symptoms associated with mold exposure denote an array of severity levels and last for some time, hence need consultation with a medical practitioner if they do not improve or become worse.


10 warning signs of mold toxicity. Finally, mold toxicity can bring wide health range and possibly even become a disease. If during this reading, you find yourself experiencing such early and mundane signs, mold toxicity should be ruled out as a possible cause. It is imperative to seek medical help and paying attention for underlying mold situation in your home or workplace as the latter will help you take care of your health issues and the complications they might bring. Through learning the mold toxicity signs and taking diligent procedures to deal with them you do your own and your family be safe from the harmful effects of mold exposure.

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10 warning signs of mold toxicity

10 warning signs of mold toxicity

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